While in high school, I went on a church retreat where we were partnered up with another youth and asked to talk about our future. I was asked what my goal was in life. The expected answer was a career path. My answer: to be a mom.
Now, many, many, many years later, I am celebrating Mother's Day as a mom once again. I achieved my goal. Seventeen children have called me mom; four are here to stay.
By the grace and blessings of God, I have a wonderful family. This is not what I planned or envisioned back in high school. It is even BETTER. I believe God carefully selected my children. It is not a coincidence that any of them ended up with me. Each one has enriched my life in ways I could never imagine. Thank you, God, for Your plan!
Happy belated Mother's Day, Diane! Would love for you to join our blog hop about foster care!