A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. --Forest E. Witcraft

Friday, February 4, 2011

Behavior Box

I picked Sweets up after school, and I was a couple of minutes late. She was waiting for me outside her classroom door. I have to admit, I was waiting for the worst. Her attitude on Fridays is often difficult at best. But, pleasantly, she was in a good mood and just said, "I was almost starting to worry." 

We got in the car and started driving. It is usually a 45-50 minute drive since we get into some of rush hour.  We had a nice conversation, and she seemed in a good mood. Soon she asked, "What's for dinner?" This almost always leads to fussing, since she usually doesn't like whatever I say, even if it is something she always likes. I gave her an answer, and she "OK." 

I couldn't believe it! So, I immediately said I really appreciated the good behavior today and told her that she was doing very well. Her reply was "I found my behavior box." Huh? I played along and asked her if that is where her good behavior had been hiding lately. She told me it was, and that she had found her behavior box at the top of her closet. I said I was so glad she had found it, that I really liked it. She said she put it in her pocket to keep it with her. Finally, I told her to tell Buddy about her good behavior box and see if she could help him find his.  (He has had another rough week!)

PS - Sweets got a visit from a CPS investigator at school this week. Wonder what that means will happen next?


  1. glad she found the box :)

    and CPS is always interesting!

  2. Good for Sweets (& you)! Praying for a great week for you & yours! I'm your newest follower.
