A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. --Forest E. Witcraft

Friday, August 17, 2012

So Far So Good

The first week of school for May and Buddy is going well.  They both enjoy seeing their friends again.  Neither has had much homework, but May is willingly stepping up without having to be nagged by mom.  Sweets is still liking school and her teacher.  We are all trying to stay organized.

This weekend is choir camp for Children's Chorus for the oldest three.  I'm going as well and serving on the uniform committee like the last four years.  May made the touring choir this year.  She is really excited.  Buddy and Sweets return to the prep choir.  I'll need to get them all early from school this afternoon.  A super babysitter is staying with BB and Precious.  I know they will be spoiled!

Precious was evaluated for developmental delays three weeks ago at the same place BB goes for OT and speech therapy.  She was diagnosed with delays in both gross and fine motor skills, low muscle tone, and poor trunk control (layman's terms).  They got the report written up, sent to the doctor, and approved by insurance in two weeks.  Can I just say that is amazing?  Precious started OT this week.  She will receive therapy twice a week, the same days as BB.  It's unfortunate that she needs this as a result of her exposure in utero, but I'm so glad she is getting services so early.  Hopefully, she will meet all her goals and be considered "mainstream" before she starts kindergarten like Buddy did. 

On another note,  I received a call from the case manager's supervisor saying Precious' case had been transferred to the adoption unit on Tuesday.  Wasn't that supposed to happen mid-July?!  Anyway, I called the adoptions worker and she hasn't located the case yet.  Hopefully next week we can start the adoption paperwork.

My licensing specialist came out for my annual renewal visit for my foster care license.  It's so nice to have been with the same agency and same licensing specialist for so long.  I remember when this was a stressful time.  Now it is routine and reasonably quick.  I still need to do the online reapplication and budget (yuck!), but otherwise, everything is turned in (two months early!).

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