A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. --Forest E. Witcraft

Friday, July 16, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Who ever said summer was down time? Things are crazy busy around here! BB is almost 4 months old (time flys!), and he is marvelous as always. He is still a happy baby and loves to smile, laugh, , "talk", and blow bubbles. This is honestly the easiest placement I have ever had.

The older three all went to the eye doctor yesterday. Both seven year olds need glasses. Sweets needs a stronger prescription; her eyes are worse because she won't wear her glasses at her dad's. Buddy needs glasses for the first time. The doctor stressed to both of them that they have to wear the glasses ALL the time unless they are playing sports or rough housing on the playground.

Buddy is full of energy, as always. We went through his room last weekend and cleaned out a bunch of old toys, some not working, some put away, and some to donate. He hasn't missed any of them, and the sorting revived his interest in many of the remaining toys that he hasn't looked at for months.

I took Sweets back to her dad's at lunchtime today after being with me for three and a half weeks. This is the longest she has stayed continuously with me since she was placed with her dad almost three years ago. It was sure nice not to drive the 80 mile round trip twice each week!!! Her dad came over here on 4th of July and saw her, and I had her call him 2-3 times a week. The plan when I dropped her off was for me to pick her back up Monday evening. Tonight she called and said I'm supposed to pick her up tomorrow night instead. We'll see what happens...

May is growing so mature before my eyes. She is a great help with BB. She is finally conquering reading, despite significant issues with dyslexia. The Harry Potter and Twilight books have held her interest. Praise God for awesome nanny Miss M, who has read all 11 books of these two series to her. This year May has taken each of the Twilight books and reads through it again herself. Tonight we are getting ready for her visit to my sister in the state next door. She is excited about flying on her own for her third annual trip.

I am full swing into a summer class which meets three afternoons a week through July. My final is the week before May and Buddy start school again. In addition, work is super busy, so my weekdays are quite long between it, kids, law school, and homework. We usually do something all together on the weekend, in addition to church, of course.

Well, off to finish laundry and helping May pack!

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