This weekend we had multiple celebrations as Sweets turned 9. I took her out Friday with May, and we had a nice girls evening out. It wasn't planned that way, but things changed, and Buddy just couldn't hold it together, so he and BB stayed home with my mom and went to bed.
Saturday morning was a full choir rehearsal where cake was served in honor of Sweets and a couple others for their birthdays. That afternoon, a couple close friends came over and we had a small family celebration for Sweets followed by dinner out with my parents at one of my, and now the kids, favorite restaurants that serves the best fajitas anywhere.
Today was Sweets' official birthday party at a pizza joint by her dad's house. Other than all the guests (including dad) arriving more than forty minutes late (for an hour and a half party), everyone had fun. She enjoyed herself and got to play with more tokens that she has ever had on one day before.
Lil Sis seems to be doing just fine. Multiple of the cousins are girls her age, and she enjoys playing with them. I think she has been tossed around so much in her short life that this move did not phase her as much as one would expect. She was happy, and it didn't seem to bother her that Sweets left for the last two days.
I talked with Sweets' dad, and he admitted that he had intended to stop letting Sweets go to my house for six months after Lil Sis moved in. Fortunately, he has had a change of heart. I hope that sticks. As of now, I am picking Sweets up next Friday evening for the weekend. He wants her to spend the first two days of the break with him. That works out fine, since we are celebrating Sunday due to my sister's work schedule.
I went over the hectic schedule for the two weeks following as Sweets' choir performs four times in ten days at four different locations. So far so good!