A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. --Forest E. Witcraft

Friday, April 26, 2013

One More

We have welcomed another little one into our home.  She is the bio sister of BB and Precious.  I picked her up Thursday from the foster home where she was placed directly from the hospital a month ago.

The case manager did not review the case file in detail and decided she did not have my contact information, even though she knew both siblings had been adopted.  Eventually CPS contacted me and wanted to move the baby. 

Court was this week and bio mom did not show.  Seems she is AWOL again.  This tiny little girl was born drug exposed (like the other two) but has suffered no obvious symptoms.  She was born full-term at 6 pounds, but at one month is already over 8 pounds. 

She is very sweet, easy to sooth, and sleeps well.  Precious is quite jealous but already coming around.  BB was in awe and wants to help constantly; he is very protective.  Buddy can't wait to hold her, ALL THE TIME.  He said he wants to learn to change diapers!  May just returned from a week of 8th grade camp this afternoon and was excited to see her.  Sweets is not here, but knows we have her. 

People will ask Why?  Don't you have enough?  When are you going to stop? 

I have prayed and prayed over this decision.  Yes, I knew the baby was coming.  I just had no idea when or what state bio mom would be when the baby was born.  It was not a sure thing that the baby would even be found by CPS, let alone pulled.  But I knew mom was pregnant.

For a long while I didn't know my answer, if I received the call.  Then I truly believe the Lord was asking me to take one more.  As if to confirm my decision, last Sunday's sermon spoke volumes.  It was a call to action, listening to the call of God. 

I trust that He will provide, that I can do this.  Will it be easy?  Of course not.  Possible?  Definitely, with His help!


  1. I am so excited for you! We are so lucky to be able to say yes to one more even if it seems crazy to everyone else. She is a blessing that u will always so happy you said yes to!

  2. Congratulations, how exciting. So wonderful you are able to keep this sibling group together!
