A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. --Forest E. Witcraft

Monday, December 17, 2012

Busy Time

Although this is always a busy time of year, recently it seems above and beyond.  Here is a bit of a catch up post.

Starting two weekends ago, May, Sweets, and Buddy had their winter Children's Chorus performances and May had her final concert of the season.  Luckily this weekend came after both May and Buddy's school performances.  Here was that weekend's schedule:

Friday - Take May and Buddy to school as usual; drive 40 miles to pick up Sweets at lunchtime; take her to lunch; pick up May from school early on the way home; get them in the shower; pick up Buddy early from school; get him in the shower while I help the girls with their hair; leave at 3:30pm to drive back across town, 50 miles this time; grab quick dinner; report to concert hall at 5:15pm; assist with uniforms, hair, nail polish and jewelry removal; attend concert starting at 7pm; meet family and friends after concert in lobby; stop for gelato as treat on way home; arrive home after 11pm to get ready for bed.  Meanwhile, Miss M took the little ones to therapy in morning and afterwards to a friend's house for respite overnight.

Saturday - Pick up BB and Precious at 8:30am; drop May off at church at 9:45am for service project of watching kids while parents shop; left Sweets, BB, and Precious at church to be watched; took Buddy to eye doctor appointment (no glasses needed!); drop off Buddy at church and pick up May at noon; get May lunch and ready for final choir concert; May was picked up by friend's mom for concert; make quick stop at one store; pick up Sweets, Buddy, BB, and Precious at 2:45pm; wait for May to get home; drive to meet parents at restaurant to celebrate my mom's birthday; get kids home and in bed; wash choir uniforms.

Sunday - Skipped church (just couldn't get everyone up and ready); eat brunch; get oldest three dressed and ready for concert; left after trusted babysitter came about 1:30pm; report to concert hall early before 2:30pm; assist with uniform checks; get text from May's dad at 3:20pm (he took bus to wrong venue over five miles away); rush to pick him up and get back before concert started at 4pm; made it, but had to drop him off and then park and hike from neighborhood across the street; enjoyed concert; took pictures with May's dad after concert; met with friends who attended concert for dinner; drove Sweets home; got home about 10pm and collapsed after kids got in bed.

Last week was a bit of a blur, but I did complete a full week of work.  Highlights of the week also included:

Tuesday - date night with Buddy for dinner, dessert, and shopping for choir gift exchange

Wednesday - Cub Scout pack meeting which included talent show where Buddy demonstrated his napkin folding skills

Thursday - doctor's appointment; bake loaf of bread for Christmas potluck at work on Friday

Friday - Miss M took Precious for a speech evaluation; after dinner on-the-go, drop off Buddy with friends to attend pro basketball game and spend night; pick up Sweets after hunting her and her dad down around their neighborhood since she lost her phone and his wasn't working

Saturday - pick up Buddy mid morning; get him in shower; get Sweets and Buddy ready for final choir concert; drop Precious, BB, and May at house of Precious and BB's aunt near choir concert; drop off Sweets and Buddy at choir concert and party/gift exchange; back to aunt's house to visit with her and her young children (nice time); pick up Sweets and Buddy; home and then out for dinner with friends

Sunday - church; get new tires on van while shopping and eating at C*stco; drop May off to study with friend and Buddy off to play with friend; take Sweets home and talk with her dad to work out Christmas break schedule; get Buddy and May and friends home

Are you tired yet?  This week is filled with work, school, May's finals, and multiple doctor's visits.  But there are two highlights scheduled this week:

Thursday - finalization of Precious' adoption

Friday - law school graduation

Somehow it's all worth it!


  1. I think I'm going to go take a nap just from reading all that. :) Congratulations on all the amazing things that have happened recently.

  2. You're a busy lady! Congratulations on the adoption finalization!

  3. Wow I dont know how you do it all. Congratulations on graduation and Precious adoption I cant believe how fast it went through after your papers were approved. So exciting!
